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Every time I travel to a city or anywhere else, I am interested in getting to know the best places for taking the best photographs. Before I went to New York City in September 2023 I have approached 3 photographers located in NYC asking them, if they can offer a map with the best spots or best streets for photography. I have never had an answer of anyone. To find out on your own takes a lot of time on research. With this new project I would like to support those who come to my hometown, Berlin, but on the other side I hope that more photographers join so that this could be a collection for places around the world. 

Let me know when you are interested. There is nothing as important as good networking and supporting each other. When you decide to post your photo walk or a map with photospots on Instgram, please use #photographersmap.

Best Spots to shoot Oberbaumbruecke

The Oberbaumbridge (Oberbaumbrücke) is one of the most iconic landmarks in Berlin. It‘s towers, color and history gives the bridge its own character. In summertime people gather on the bridge in the evening to watch the sun setting over the river of the city.

Best spots to take a photo of the bridge:

  1. On the bridge itself, just cross the road to the other sideWalk

  2. Walk to the Mediaspree along the riverbank between Universal and the Nhow hotel

  3. You can get a good view, especially when the sun goes down, from the Elsenbridge, except that construction is currently underway on the Elsenbrücke (December 2023)

  4. On a boat from the river

  5. Walk to the Cuvrystraße, right to the end of it at the river.

  6. Walk a short distance along the river on the Kreuzberg side

Oberbaumbruecke by Jeannette Matthies

Oberbaumbridge in winter from Cuvrystraße


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Since I am a beginner drone pilot myself I always wonder where I can fly my drone and where I better don’t.

Last autumn I went to Paris, brought my drone just to find out, that it is forbidden in entire Paris to fly a drone. Big fat bummer.

Africa is considered a continent where, once you travel to one of the African countries, you rather leave your drone at home in the first place. That’s a bit different in Berlin.


Here come some facts about drones in Berlin:

The city center of Berlin is a forbidden drone zone within 5.5k, that’s 1.9 k around the Reichstag (please see map). Besides of this other areas are considered forbidden drone zones as well, such as:

Residential properties, nature conservation areas, hospitals, aerodromes and airports, control zones, crowds of people, federal trunk roads (e.g. motorways) and federal waterways, railway facilities, …

What happens if you collide with the law?

According to the catalogue of fines for drones, offences can result in a fine of up to 50,000 Euros or a prison sentence of between six months and ten years. So let’s apply to the rules as there is a lot at stake.

If you would like to fly a drone in Berlin, I would highly recommend Flughafen Tempelhof.

In general the following rules apply in Germany:

- You may fly in uncontrolled airspace.

- You may fly at a maximum height of 120 metres.

- The drone must be flown in direct line of sight of the pilot.

- Flying over buildings is permitted if you have the owner's permission.

Check out this page, for information about flight zones.


Have a safe flight!

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Pariser Platz at the Brandenburger Gate on the left.

Stelen - memorial  to the murdered jews above. 

This is a short but one of the most beautiful walks if you are exploring Berlin as it takes you through old, historic Berlin. I have put together a photo walk with some options to extend it to see more sights and take photos. The start is at the Brandenburg Gate and the end at the TV Tower on Alexanderplatz.


Go to the starting point, the Brandenburg Gate on Pariser Platz. The gate is actually not so special in its construction, but rather historically significant. It used to be in the east and the Wall ran directly behind the gate from the point of view of the eastern citizens and in front of the gate from the point of view of the western citizens. Today, by the way, it is special to run through the gate, which is what the runners of the Berlin Marathon do every year before crossing the finish line about 200 metres later.

Once you have passed the gate, turn left and walk to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It is only a 2-minute walk. 2711 steles have been erected on an area of around 19,000 square metres - according to the design by New York architect Peter Eisenman.

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From the steles, either walk along Behrensstraße until you can turn left to get back to "Unter den Linden", or go back to the Brandenburg Gate and walk straight ahead from there along "Unter den Linden".


If you want to extend your photo walk, you can start right here through the Tiergarten (X2), pay a visit to the Reichstag (X1: Federal Government) and visit the British Embassy with its special architecture in Wilhelmstraße (X3).

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Just walk straight ahead from here and enjoy the beautiful buildings along the street "Unter den Linden". You will pass beautiful and historic buildings that are a gift for architectural photographers.

Here I would like to mention a few: The Bebelsplatz with the Faculty of Law and the beautiful Hotel de Rome with a roof terrace from which you have a view over the city at sunset. The beautiful pink-coloured building is the Zeughaus, now the German Historical Museum. Then comes the new City Palace, the Humbold Forum and Berlin Cathedral. The latter is already on Museum Island with its fantastic museums including the Pergamon Museum and the James-Simon-Gallery. The James-Simon-Gallery is a must for architectural photographers.

Apart from all the options listed above, the photo walk continues straight on to Alexanderplatz and the TV tower, where it ends. The distance is just over 2 kilometres, so this photo walk can be completed in 30 minutes, or it can take a whole day. Unter den Linden is a magnificent street, so take your time and enjoy!

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Brandenburger Gate

Alexanderplatz with TV tower. In Berlin we say "Alex". 

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