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About Jeannette

Jeannette Matthies
Jeannette Matthies Sydney
Jeannette Matthies Documentary

When I was in my early 20s, I had an old SLR camera, which I carried around Göttingen, the city where I was born, to take photographs, and then I carried the camera around the world. I didn't have much money and as you still had to develop negatives and make prints at the time, I chose carefully what was worth photographing.

shadows by Jeannette Matthies

I loved photography and really wanted to become a photojournalist. Although my start wasn't all that bad, unfortunately things turned out differently. The path I had wanted so much for myself was not meant for me at the time. So I embarked on a classic career and classic training. I studied and built my professional life entirely without photography and worked in renowned international companies.


It wasn't until many years later that photography came back to me. I had taken a sabbatical and planned a trip around the world for the second time. Right at the beginning of this trip there was a big boom and photography was back.

I see in pictures. When I take a photo, I look through the viewfinder, not at the display. I close my right eye and only see my picture with my left eye, the emotional side. I am passionate about image compositions. I want to share what I consider to be beautiful or special.


My main areas are city, landscape and travel photography. I love working on my clients' projects and am always ambitious to do my best on every assignment and make my clients happy. I never take assignments in which animals or nature are endangered, restricted or harassed. Let's all give our best for the life, freedom and integrity of every animal and the protection of nature.  Every day.

Me screaming FREEDOM in Spitzbergen by Jeannette Matthies
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